
Full range
of filters for
wide range of

All suitable
for machines by

We sell single filters as well as full sets of filters for the specific machine. All you need to provide is the serial number and the model of the machine or part catalog number of the filter.

Filter types in our offer

Motor Oil Filters

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

CCV – type filters

During the combustion process of the air-fuel mixture, certain amounts of gases enter the crankcase …

Fuel filters

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

Cabin filters

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

Hydraulic filters

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

Strainers on the suction side

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

High pressure filters

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

Tank breathers

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.


parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

We guarantee


The highest quality of filters, guaranteed thanks to the most modern manufacturing methods in accordance with the norms and quality assurance procedures.


Regular change of filters not only will ensure the highest work performance and comfort of the operator, but also extend the period of trouble-free machine operations, thus avoiding costly repairs and major system malfunctions in the machine.

Best prices

Available on hand in vast majority, with same day shipping.


out-of-circuit filtration provides very thorough filtration process, while maintaining continuous flow that can filter the fluid out independently out of either working or non-working main hydraulic circuit. They have crucial importance and are utilized for the purpose of extending the time between each hydraulic fluid change.


breathers are preventing atmospheric contaminants – meaning those elements carried by air – from entering hydraulic fluid reservoirs. The air enters the reservoir every time the level of fluid is changed – either during regular operation of the machine and while the fluid is cooled down during the period of inactivity. Breathers are designed in such a way that they are able to stop particles that are 3 microns in size and larger from entering the system. Tank breather filters are unusually important subassemblies of the hydraulic circuit – they ensure that both solid particles and the moisture are removed, making their job of crucial importance for prolonging service life and lowering operational expenses.

High pressure filters

these filters are cleaning up the fluid located behind the hydraulic pump, thus protecting more expensive elements, such as servo valves and actuators. High pressure filters are protecting most expensive hydraulic circuit elements in case of a serious malfunction of the hydraulic pump and that’s why they are considered as most critical types of filters in the system (they are also known to protect the return on investment). 

Low pressure filters or suction filters

suction filters are usually screwed in and placed between the reservoir and the hydraulic pump. Their duty is to protect the hydraulic pump from damaging contamination. They are easier to maintain and also less expensive than many other types of filters.

Strainers on the suction side

they are usually located in the hydraulic fluid reservoir, and their sole real purpose is to protect the hydraulic pump from being contaminated by bugs, nuts, bolts and other large, visible objects that are 150 microns or larger in volume. In some cases, the strainer also helps protecting the hydraulic circuit from being entered by air bubbles.

Hydraulic filters

each filter is performing an important function in the hydraulic system.

Cabin filters

cabin filters, also known as dust filters, are now more frequently used as add-on item in  construction machines, especially those that are equipped with air conditioning units. They are essential for improving driving comfort, as they are responsible for filtering out the air routed through ventilation duct to the inside of the operators cabin.

The primary function of cabin filters is to protect the interior of the machine’s cabin against any residue and to provide the clean air. High quality filters are able to clean up very large volume of air that’s blown into the inside of the vehicle, while removing dust, plant pollens, fungal spores, smoke, asphalt particles, rubber particles originating from wearable tires, quartz, and others. Additionally, cabin filters reduce unpleasant odors and – what’s more important – stop any fumes that are hazardous to operators health.

Dust filters are essential for the proper operation of the air circulation system, since they assure the proper flow of cleaned up and fresh air. High quality cabin filters will remove from 95 to 100 % of any contamination found in the air, therefore securing the air that’s fresh and free of any residue.

While selecting cabin filters, one should always consider the type and the quality of materials used to manufacture them, that are resistant to the moisture ahead of all else, since it significantly decreases reliability of the filter.

Engine Transmission Gearbox filters

the basic function of filters located in the engine gearbox is to assure the proper purity of the transmission oil, as well as the entire hydraulic system. A change of gear at the right moment, a precise switching operation for each gear depend mostly on the purity of the oil found in the gearbox. Gearbox filters assure clean working conditions by removing metal abrasives, mineral and synthetic particles, condensates and separate water particles (water mixed with the gearbox oil is able to destroy the transmission gearbox), thus maintaining oil purity in the gearbox. Thanks to its filters, only pure transmission oil finds its way to the gearbox, while its influx is maintained in all working conditions. This is basic requirement for assuring the optimum operation of the transmission gearbox, especially in the times of further extensions of scheduled service intervals.

Difficult tasks lie ahead for the transmission gearbox filter: the working temperature range from 30 up to 400 degrees of Celsius, resulting from the rotation velocity of the engine elements and the hydrokinetic clutch, a very frequent load (pressure) change or the necessity to maintain a constant pressure, required behind the filter. Transmission gearbox filters must assure low differential pressure and their filtration element cannot react with synthetic add-ons, found in the gearbox oil. When the filter becomes filled up, it must be changed, because its clogging will result in limitation of the oil flow and lowering of the pressure in the engine drive transmission elements.


their job is to collect any residue that may be found in the fuel.

The fuel filters are cleaning the fuel up from solid particles that may get mixed up with the fuel as a result of production, transportation or storage processes. Likewise, they separate water in a liquid state from that in vaporized one. Water and other elements that are found in the air, make their way to towards the fuel through the air vent of the fuel tank. Subsequently, a filter is required in order to protect the fuel feeding system, as well as the fuel injection system from the damage and the corrosion.

In order for the fuel filter to be efficient, it must be selected according to the type of the engine and the working environment of the engine, as well as matching its fuel injection system. Since the air filter not only collects, but also stores solid state particles, it must have the correct volume for the given engine. Due to precision of the fuel filtration process, such volume is relatively large one, while the kind of the fuel injection system is conditioning the accuracy of the filtration for the kind of fuel filter being installed. The durability of the fuel injection system, the fuel feeding system and the engine itself is highly dependant on the quality and purity of the fuel – that’s why the appropriate quality of the air filter is so important.

An out-of-order fuel filters are disrupting engine operations and lowering its performance, also, they are the cause of problems with engine ignition system. A regular change of fuel filters or their inserts with the mileage – conditioned service frequency, quality of fuel and methods of equipment use is really important. In case of diesel engines, change of the fuel filter before the winter time and regular removal of water from the fuel filter setter is recommended. Due to their construction type and use of high pressure injection gear, diesel engines are more prone for damage related to use of contaminated fuel than gasoline powered engines.

CCV – type filters

during the combustion process of the air-fuel mixture, certain amounts of gases enter the crankcase from the combustion chamber through the piston rings, leading to an increase of the pressure in the crankcase. Therefore, the pressure must be lowered, and such is the purpose of the oil breather, also known as the crankcase breather hose.

The crankcase is the free space in the engine compartment, where the crankshaft is operating. The air-fuel mixture is pre-compressed in the crankcase and then, together with the additional mixture of the engine oil, goes to the combustion chamber. In order for the entire process to run smoothly, the efficient operation of the oil breather is essential. The crankcase breather hose minimizes the risk of uncontrolled gas pressure increase in the crankcase, and subsequent damage to the engine. The regular replacement of the CCV filter is an essential part of ensuring the correct operation of this system.

External and internal air filters

responsible for cleaning up the air taken into the engine.

Air filters are an important part of the engine air intake system, because they prevent the residue, found in the air, from being sucked into the power unit, protecting the engine from the damage caused by dust and dirt particles, that follows their entering of engine cylinder cambers.

The air filters are designed to capture all of the residue that is found in the air, such as dust, sand and dirt particles, stopping all of them from entering the engine. The air filter efficiency level may reach up to 99, and even 100 percent. This is a result of using materials that are able to successfully absorb and at the same time separate residue particles from the air. Air filters can be manufactured using either synthetic materials, polyester being most common one in such case, or natural ones – primarily cotton or cellulose. In order for the air filter to be effective and to fully protect the power unit, it should have tightly fitting area of assembly and be resistant to the moisture and temperature.

Motor Oil Filters

parts that are tasked with filtering out motor oil residue, so its lubrication properties remain at the best level.

It is important to secure filtration of the motor oil at the appropriate level, since it has a high degree of influence for the proper performance quality of the engine, as well as its durability. A lot of residue may reach the engine while in operation. The duty of the motor oil filter is to stop it.

The two basic types of oil filters are the cup-type oil filter and the oil filter inserts. The cup-type oil filter is made up from the oil filter casing and the cartridge. The insert – type oil filter can be placed either directly in the housing or integrated in the engine of the machine. In their case, only the oil insert is changed during the maintenance. One should remember that the insert should be fitted tightly and perfectly – only then, it will be free of any oil leaks.  

It is worth to select good quality oil filters. If the filter is manufactured from poor quality materials, it may turn out to be leaky and due to that, may not function properly by not collecting all of the residue. Also, the motor oil that is meant to entirely flow through the filtration unit may run through the gaps, making the proper filtration process impossible. Such filter  should be replaced at once, because it will not perform its essential function and may even cause seizure of the engine.

A regular change of  a motor oil filter is really important. The motor oil is essential for proper lubrication of all cooperating engine subassemblies, prevents corrosion, dissipates excess heat and cleans up residue found in the engine itself. One of the basic signs of the motor oil filter wear is increased stickiness level of the oil. Driving a machine with worn out motor oil filter not only will cause decrease of engine power and increase in the fuel burn, but also, in most extreme cases, may lead to its serious malfunction. Therefore, every time the motor oil is changed, the oil filter should be changed as well.

One needs to note that each motor oil filter has its specific volume. Whenever it is filled up, the collected residue will block the filtration unit, leading to increase of the difference in pressure between the influx side and the inside of the cartridge. This is a highly dangerous situation, therefore service and maintenance intervals recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment should be strictly followed, regardless of any circumstances.